Advertise With Us and @AndrewGshowtime are leading sources of what’s going on in the theatres of Melbourne and regional Victoria. We have an audience of over 60,000 highly engaged Victorian theatre goers. Over 50% of our surveyed audience go to 6 or more shows a year.
Because we are a not-for-profit arts organisation we are able to provide a cost effective advertising packages targeting highly engaged, mostly Melbourne based audience.
Our channels include:
- Social Media: 14,000+ followers on Instagram account @AndrewGshowtime
- An active website dedicated to promoting live theatre in Melbourne and regional Victoria with an EDM email list of over 6000 regular Victorian theatre attendees.
Advertising Packages
Our Premium advertising package includes:
- SOCIAL MEDIA: a post and story on our Instagram account @AndrewGshowtime
- WEBSITE ADVERTISING: a premium square ad on for 2 weeks.
- EDM CAMPAIGN: An electronic direct mail (email newsletter) to our email list of 6000+ Victorian theatre goers
VIDEO $950
Our Video advertising package includes:
- VIDEO: A feature reel and story on @AndrewGshowtime
- SOCIAL MEDIA: a mention on our Instagram accounts @AndrewGshowtime and @TheTheatreau
Our Social advertising package includes:
- SOCIAL MEDIA: posts and stories on our Instagram accounts @AndrewGshowtime and @TheTheatreau
- WEBSITE ADVERTISING: a premium square ad on
We also have a PARTNER PACKAGE with Theatrical valued at $2200, which includes:
- PROGRAM: Quarter page full colour ad in the production program
- SOCIAL MEDIA: not less than 2 post and story on each Instagram accounts @Theatricalinc, @AndrewGshowtime and @TheTheatreau
- WEBSITE ADVERTISING: a premium square ad on for 2 weeks.
Advertising package as subject to availability and our advertising terms. For more information about advertising please Contact Us